To: All our brothers in humanity; to the
people of the North.
C/O: The Danish
As the smoke of your bitter, dirty and
hence expensive derision is still lingering in
the air, and as the insult- it implied for Islam
and its Honourable Prophet Muhammad,
may Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon
him, and may Allah the exalted keep him
safe from any derogative intention- shall
remain gnawing at our minds; let us start our
article with the tbllowing English Ballad of a
The dove has torn her wing ...
So no more songs of love.
We are not here to sing . . ..
We are kill the dove.
First of all, let us try and give You a
concise fragrant account from among his
sealed nectar; i.e. from his biography- may
peace and blessings of Allah be upon himI
for if we tried to give most- let alone all- of
it, then we shall need big volumes yet
before we start, allow me to assure you that
whatsoever you do, we- and by we I mean all
Muslims- will never, even, think of throwing
a shadow of doubt at the miraculous creation
of Jesus Christ. Nay! But we shall not
approach him but with sincere love and
sound creed that he was a Messenger of
Allah (God) and His Word which He
bestowed on Mary. The One whom you tried
hard to insult- yet to no avail- has taught us
so from what has been revealed to him from
his Lord- Allah, Glorified be Him- throueh
Jibreel (Gabriel)
Well! We know that most of you are too
obstinate to believe in the divineness of the
Noble Qur'an. Not only.that, but we are also
sure that you have indifferently obliterated
the word (Paraclete) which means: [the
praised; and Muhammad (P.B.U.H) in
Arabic means the praised one. i.e. Paraclete
means Muhammad], from the old version of
the Bible. And you ask me why you would
do this!? Why! The reason is very
conspicuous and it, simply, is to eradicate
any good effect it will make on the righteous
Christians; and hence guide them into the
embrace of Islam.
But, nevertheless, we may refer to some
evidences- i.e. of the coming of Prophet
Muhammad (P.B.U.H.)- in the Old
Testament. Let us read the following
heedfully; Prophet Moses (Peace be upon
him) was quoted as saying:
{.. I will raise them up a Prophet from
among their brethren, like unto thee, and will
put my words into his mouth; and he shall
speak unto them all that I shall command him
Why don't you ask the- many- Christian scholars who embraced Islam? Recently the
German joumalist and Dr. Jermiah's of the
Irish- American ethnicity, who- both- wrote
about their spiritual journeys in the global
market; i.e. the Intemet.
But if otherwise- that is if you don't feel
like coming into the light- then, at least, stop
your damned Satanic caricatures. By the
way! I forgot to tell you that you have
unconsciously done us- Muslims- a big
favour, for which we do not feel obliged to
show our gratitude because it was insincerely
done. First, you unconsciously inspired a
great religious vigilance among the Muslims.
They started checking their situations and
their standing grounds. Consequently, their
love for their lenient, clement compassionate.
and merciful Messenger was immensely
increased. Not only that, but they also started
to follow his teachings closely. The second
point is that you created a big publicity for
him- may Peace and Blessings of Allah be
upon him! People started to ask themselves:
who is this man that caused all this row?
Consequently, they started reading about him
and his religion, and a lot of them embraced
Islam thereafter. Haven't you realized that he
is a mercy for the worlds (of mankind and
Jinn); even when he is insulted!?
O Danish caricaturists! Don't you believe
in co-existence? Then live and let the others
live! The earth is so wide and there are vast
expanses of fertile soils for everyone, even
for your milk cows. Cease! It is better for
you; or you will turn us- Muslims- into an
implacable enemy for whom just the
boycotting of your milk products will not be
You can also ask Sir George Bernard
Shaw about the idea which he conceived of
Muhammad qW. We, all, know that he is
dead; but his books are still available in the
bookshops. In his book, The Genuine Islam,
he- i.e. Bernard Shaw- said: "I believe that if
a man like him were to assume the leadership
of the modern world, he would succeed in
solving its proble"tt
a way that would
bring to this world much needed peace and
happiness." Then he added: "He was by far
the most remarkable man that ever set foot
on this earth. He preached a religion,
founded a state, built a nation, laid down a
moral code, ...etc." If you are truth seekers
and you read your scholars' books you will
find it obviously shown in their true writings.
In other words, you shall find the real truth
within the writings of those who used to
write truly. Allow me to attract your
attention- concerning this matter- to what
Earnest Hemingway once said: "The problem
with every writer lies between him and his
own self. And it-simply-is how to write
But before our letter comes to an end, we
would like to mention two more things so
that Allah (god) the Almighty and Who is the
doer of whatsoever He intends (or wills),
might remove the covering from in front of
your eyes; and hence you may see the
everlasting light! Well! The first is: in the
New Testament of the Bible Jesus (P.B.U.H.)
declared, "...and He shall give you another
Comforter" (John, 14: 16).
The question is: Who is this "other
Comforter" to come after Jesus? If you read
neutrally with a clear mind what Jesus said in
addition to the above Biblical Verse, you will
be convinced that this Comforter is no one
other than Muhammad (P.B.U.H.). In
addition Jesus said, "..How be it when he the
spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into
all truth: for he shall not speak of himself;
but whatsoever he shall hear, [that] shall he
speak: and he will show you things to come.
He shall glori$ me.."(John 16:7'14)