Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Marriage superior to transient relationships

Undoubtedly, marriages built on principles of love, honor, respect and mutual caring are far superior to temporary relationships with a variety of partners. Such marriages stabilize society by protecting its primary unit the family.What would eventually happen to a society which forgets sanctioned relationships and allows base desires to rule. What of the women and children left in a dishonorable state without respect and support?  Such a society would he lower than the society of animals which are at least governed by instincts which cause them to protect and provide for their young and their mates. Consequently. Islam has placed great stress on the divinely ordained institution of marriage in order to protect society. In fact. the Prophet (PBUH) branded those opposed to marriage as being heretics and said.
Meaning of Hadith
''Marriage is a part of sunnah (divinely guided way of life). Whoever displeased with my Sunnah is not from among us.''

Since non-marital sew is forbidden on Islam. marriage protects individuals against immorality by providing outlets for natural urges as well as providing physical and emotional security fit both partners.

Monday, June 27, 2016


The tranquility is not simply what one may feel after satisfying sexual impulses but it is the serenity which follows a psychological need which has been fulfilled. Every individual is aware of having felt lack or sense of loss within himself/herself which needed completion, a weakness which needed strengthening or loneliness which could only be removed by someone truly committed to to him/her. The calm or emotional rest which one feels as a result of having fulfilled these needs can be termed tranquility. Thus marriage in Islam is more than just a means of obtaining legal sex; it is an extremely important institution which safeguards the rights of men. women. and children while satisfying the physical. emotional and intellectual needs of the family members.
The profit (PBUH) illustrated the importance of marriage by saying.
''When a servant of Allah marries, he has completed half of his religious obligations and he must fear Allah in order to complete the second half.''

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Marriage in islam

Marriage has been ordained by Allah as the correct and legal way to produce children and replenish the earth. The family is the basic unit of an Islamic nation or society. Allah has made the desire for mates and offspring instinctual for mankind and animals. Life on earth continues through children and children are the products of marriage. Nevertheless. marriage in Islam can not be viewed merely as means for uniting the male body with a female body and producing offspring. nor was marriage instituted just for purposes of satisfying natural desires or quenching passions. Its goals are much deeper in meaning than those obvious physical realities. Allah, the Most High, illuminates this fact in Chapter at-Room of Quran:
''And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves that you might live in tranquility (li-taskunoo) with  them and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily in that are signs for those who reflect.''

Monogamy protects males

The monogamous marriage system, clearly, does not take into consideration the real needs of human society. It limits possibilities for both men and women while claiming to protect the latter. Instead of providing protection for women, it provides a hypocritical shield for men to behind while favoring a wife to the detriment of detriment of  a girlfriend or vice versa. Islam has a complete marriage system which takes into account all the human variables and provides men and women with viable options. To deny the validity and legality of polygyny is tantamount to denying the wisdom of the divine decree. It is not possible that everything in life should happen according to our feelings and desires. Nor is it possible to live without experiencing pain. On the contrary, Allah has stated in the Quran that Muslims shall be tested:
''Be sure that We shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of your labor), but give glad tidings to those who are patient.''