Friday, March 30, 2018


SocioOn is a newly launched social media site in pakistan which is totally like facebook. this site is combo of socializing and earning.
The founder of this social media Sir IA Hussain (from pakistan)'s mission to provide the best social media to world.This media officially launched at 1st january 2018. You can start this social media today and start your socializing with earning.
It gives 5$ on signing up.
Then i'll tell you all about this social media because i've also using this media about last two years.
When You will signup on this site, instantly this will give you 5 dollars. you must pay 25$ to start earning if you want other wise you can continue socializing but no no earnings you will made.
after recharge 25$ you will be able to earn revenue and keep socializing public posts.
Without recharge you can not make public post and you post will just show to your friends and no earning you will make.


Its wallet has four (4) categories 
1. Current Earnings
2. Withdrawable Balance
3. Spendable Balance
4. Money Bucket

when you will earn any revenue this will mention in current earnings. and after settle down it will divide 50 50 into withdrawable balance and spendable balance. 

withdraw Method

When you will make 25$ or above you can withdraw the amount  which will process in 24 hours.
Actually 100$ amount  rechargeable to withdraw your earnings.
when you will recharge 25$ you earning will start regularly but you must transfer 50$ from withdrawable to spendable, but it has also options:
socioOn wants 100$ in your spendable balnce. you will pay 75$ and 25$ will given by socioOn.
if you want quickly activate all of your account, you should recharge 75$ into your accout.
other wise after recharge of 25$ you will transfer 50$ from withdraw to spendable or your friend also can transfer amount to you to complete your steps. This is just one time investment.
after copleting 75$ you will receive 20$ in your spendable balance.5$ you will receive on signing up,now 100$ complete.

Why spend

I've already told that this totally like facebook, its preview also. you will spend 0.80$ to promote your post. It will show into the news feed if promoted. Other wise it will show just your friends and family member and no revenue will generate.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

To: All our brothers in humanity; to the people of the North. C/O: The Danish As the smoke of your bitter, dirty and hence expensive derision is still lingering in the air, and as the insult- it implied for Islam and its Honourable Prophet Muhammad, may Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him, and may Allah the exalted keep him safe from any derogative intention- shall remain gnawing at our minds; let us start our article with the tbllowing English Ballad of a Soldier: The dove has torn her wing ... So no more songs of love. We are not here to sing . . .. We are kill the dove. First of all, let us try and give You a concise fragrant account from among his sealed nectar; i.e. from his biography- may peace and blessings of Allah be upon himI for if we tried to give most- let alone all- of it, then we shall need big volumes yet before we start, allow me to assure you that whatsoever you do, we- and by we I mean all Muslims- will never, even, think of throwing a shadow of doubt at the miraculous creation of Jesus Christ. Nay! But we shall not approach him but with sincere love and sound creed that he was a Messenger of Allah (God) and His Word which He bestowed on Mary. The One whom you tried hard to insult- yet to no avail- has taught us so from what has been revealed to him from his Lord- Allah, Glorified be Him- throueh Jibreel (Gabriel)

Well! We know that most of you are too obstinate to believe in the divineness of the Noble Qur'an. Not only.that, but we are also sure that you have indifferently obliterated the word (Paraclete) which means: [the praised; and Muhammad (P.B.U.H) in Arabic means the praised one. i.e. Paraclete means Muhammad], from the old version of the Bible. And you ask me why you would do this!? Why! The reason is very conspicuous and it, simply, is to eradicate any good effect it will make on the righteous Christians; and hence guide them into the embrace of Islam. But, nevertheless, we may refer to some evidences- i.e. of the coming of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.)- in the Old Testament. Let us read the following heedfully; Prophet Moses (Peace be upon him) was quoted as saying: {.. I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words into his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him

Why don't you ask the- many- Christian scholars who embraced Islam? Recently the German joumalist and Dr. Jermiah's of the Irish- American ethnicity, who- both- wrote about their spiritual journeys in the global market; i.e. the Intemet. But if otherwise- that is if you don't feel like coming into the light- then, at least, stop your damned Satanic caricatures. By the way! I forgot to tell you that you have unconsciously done us- Muslims- a big favour, for which we do not feel obliged to show our gratitude because it was insincerely done. First, you unconsciously inspired a great religious vigilance among the Muslims. They started checking their situations and their standing grounds. Consequently, their love for their lenient, clement compassionate. and merciful Messenger was immensely increased. Not only that, but they also started to follow his teachings closely. The second point is that you created a big publicity for him- may Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him! People started to ask themselves: who is this man that caused all this row? XXII Consequently, they started reading about him and his religion, and a lot of them embraced Islam thereafter. Haven't you realized that he is a mercy for the worlds (of mankind and Jinn); even when he is insulted!? O Danish caricaturists! Don't you believe in co-existence? Then live and let the others live! The earth is so wide and there are vast expanses of fertile soils for everyone, even for your milk cows. Cease! It is better for you; or you will turn us- Muslims- into an implacable enemy for whom just the boycotting of your milk products will not be satisfactory

You can also ask Sir George Bernard Shaw about the idea which he conceived of Muhammad qW. We, all, know that he is dead; but his books are still available in the bookshops. In his book, The Genuine Islam, he- i.e. Bernard Shaw- said: "I believe that if a man like him were to assume the leadership of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its proble"tt i: a way that would XVII bring to this world much needed peace and happiness." Then he added: "He was by far the most remarkable man that ever set foot on this earth. He preached a religion, founded a state, built a nation, laid down a moral code, ...etc." If you are truth seekers and you read your scholars' books you will find it obviously shown in their true writings. In other words, you shall find the real truth within the writings of those who used to write truly. Allow me to attract your attention- concerning this matter- to what Earnest Hemingway once said: "The problem with every writer lies between him and his own self. And it-simply-is how to write truly!" But before our letter comes to an end, we would like to mention two more things so that Allah (god) the Almighty and Who is the doer of whatsoever He intends (or wills), might remove the covering from in front of your eyes; and hence you may see the everlasting light! Well! The first is: in the New Testament of the Bible Jesus (P.B.U.H.) xviii declared, "...and He shall give you another Comforter" (John, 14: 16). The question is: Who is this "other Comforter" to come after Jesus? If you read neutrally with a clear mind what Jesus said in addition to the above Biblical Verse, you will be convinced that this Comforter is no one other than Muhammad (P.B.U.H.). In addition Jesus said, "..How be it when he the spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, [that] shall he speak: and he will show you things to come. He shall glori$ me.."(John 16:7'14)

The Gift for Giving One’s Life for Allâh

But if you were to give your life for Allah Ta'ala, what reward will you receive? Look at the lofty status which Imam Ahmad ibn Hambal rahimahullâh received. Mullâ ‘Alî Qârî rahimahullâh writes in volume one of Mirqât that his actual name was Imam Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Hambal. His father’s name was Muhammad and his grandfather’s name was Hambal. However, he became popularly known as Imam Ahmad ibn Hambal and his father’s name became concealed. He was a great Hadîth scholar (muhaddith) and jurist of his time. He was also a student of Imam Shâfi‘î rahimahullâh. He differed with the khalifah (caliph) on a particular issue but he remained steadfast on the truth. The khalîfah issued many threats to him that he should abandon his standpoint or else he will be tortured severely. But Imam Ahmad ibn Hambal rahimahullâh remained firm on his view and did not bother about any punishment. Eventually, the khalîfah decided to lash him and this caused uproar in Baghdad. The people began talking that Imam Ahmad ibn Hambal rahimahullâh is going to be put through a tribulation today. When he received the first lash, he said: “Sub-hânallâh.” When he received the second lash, he said: “Lâ haula wa lâ qûwwata illâ billâh.” When he received the third lash, he said: “No calamity will afflict us except that which Allah Ta’ala has destined for us. He is our Master.” He was lashed so much that his trouser belt which was made of fabric became open. He immediately looked towards the heavens and his lips were still moving but no one knew what he was saying. The trouser belt became tight on its own and Allah Ta’ala saved him from becoming exposed. A Hadîth scholar went to visit Imam Ahmad ibn Hambal rahimahullâh one week later and asked: “O Imam Ahmad ibn Hambal! What did you read at that time?” He replied: “Because my trouser belt became loose, I said to Allah Ta'ala:           “O Allâh! If You know that I am on the truth, do not allow my private parts to become exposed. Allah Ta’ala then raised my trouser.” His son says that Imam Shâfi‘î rahimahullâh who was his teacher and was in Egypt at the time sent a messenger to Imam Ahmad rahimahullâh instructing him thus: “Go to my student Imam Ahmad ibn Hambal and bring back the shirt which he was wearing when he was being lashed.” Because Imam Shâfi‘î rahimahullâh was his Hadîth teacher, he obeyed his order and sent the shirt to
him. Imam Shâfi‘î rahimahullâh soaked that shirt in water and drank that water:      “He washed his shirt and drank its water.” Mullâ ‘Alî Qârî rahimahullâh writes:          “This is an indication of Imam Ahmad ibn Hambal’s lofty status.” The reason for this is that we see the teacher soaking his student’s shirt in water and drinking that water. He then says that an honourable person of Baghdad was buried 230 years later next to Imam Ahmad’s rahimahullâh grave. This person had made a bequest that he should be buried next to his grave.  Mullâ ‘Alî Qârî rahimahullâh writes:       When an honourable person was being buried next to his grave... The grave digger mistakenly struck the hoe on the grave of Imam Ahmad ibn Hambal rahimahullâh and this caused his grave to get open.       His shroud (kafan) was intact, and did not even get torn after 230 years.     The body of this true lover of Allah Ta’ala did not change. It was just as fresh as when it was buried. This was a supernatural feat in his favour. When a person dies for the sake of Allah Ta'ala, He blesses him with honour. Mullâ ‘Alî Qârî rahimahullâh writes that when his funeral bier was being carried, 20 000 people embraced Islam merely by looking at his funeral bier. This was because he was prepared to sacrifice his life but was not prepared to give up the truth. This is what is known as true îmân.       Twenty thousand people embraced Islam on the day of his demise.  “This is the funeral of a true lover of Allah Ta'ala. Come out and attend it with some clamour.” The Jews and Christians embraced Islam by saying that there has to be Allâh for a person to sacrifice his life in such a manner.    “Take my funeral bier through the narrow streets for whose pleasure I gave my life. You need to be selfless in order to attain servitude.” The Joy of Allâh’s Name If one does not have love for Allah Ta'ala, he cannot enjoy prostrating. You should therefore learn the love for Allah Ta’ala from those who love Him. Today, we find offering salâh to be burdensome. But when the love of Allah Ta’ala enters your heart, then just by saying “Allâh” once, you will experience the capsule of the joy of both worlds going down into your heart. The reason for this is that Allah Ta’ala is the creator of the bounties of both worlds, and it is He who placed enjoyment in both the worlds. Maulânâ Rûmî rahimahullâh says:  “O heart! What is sweeter, this sugar or the one who made this sugar?  How juicy the name of that Being will be who created the juice in the cane?  Maulânâ Rûmî rahimahullâh says:              “When I take the name of Allah Ta'ala, the hairs on my body turn to oceans of honey.” In other words, when I take the name of Allah Ta’ala with love, all my hairs turn to oceans of honey. We import [eat] sweetmeats into our stomach at night and export it the next morning in the toilet. In other words, we consider our stomach to be like an office for eating, drinking, importing and exporting. Those who engage in the excessive remembrance of Allah Ta’ala have taken the true joys of the world. When we go to Paradise, we will have just one regret: if only we did not display any shortcomings in remembering Allah Ta'ala. As long as you are living, engage in the remembrance of Allah Ta’ala by saying Yâ Allâh, Yâ Rahmân, Yâ Rahîm. Continue reading durûd (salutations upon Rasulullah (sallellaho alaihe wasallam)), continue safeguarding your gaze and, at the same time, make this du‘â’: “O Allâh! Forgive us for the secret glances which we stole and thereby earned unlawful pleasure.” Our soul is a thief and we have to be on guard against it. A poet says:         “All the musallîs should be mindful of their shoes. There is an elder who comes to the musjid in the form of Khidr.” In other words, his beard is white, but you must remember that the beard of the soul never becomes white. This tyrant always keeps a black beard.