in simple terms, terrorism means the use of force or threat against a person or group or country. it is the burning question of today as there is a global wave of terrorism around. Terrorists of all races and creeds are active individually or collectively locally or globally in selling death. destruction, horror, harassment and insecurity. Though global war against terrorism has been afoot since the destruction of American World Trade Centre on September, 11, 2001, the most of terrorism is still very much there.
Almost all agree that widespread terrorism is all due to unjust global political and economic systems, poverty, frustrations, injustice, cruelty, exploitation, sectarianism, religious militancy, state-sponsored terrorism, double standard of super-powers, paralyzed UNO, and trouble spots like kashmir, palestine and Chechenya. The oppressed, exploited and frustrated ones want to punish certain groups and countries in their own way and, hence, resort to terrorism. Unless the above mentioned causes are remove terrorism cannot be rooted out. To blame a certain group or to make some country scape-goat in the mane of ending terrorism is only a wild goose chase. Is America not doing the same? Hence better sense must prevail to combat and remove terrorism effectively. Honest and impartial approach of big powers equitable global systems, distinction between freedom movements and terrorism, policy of live and let live are the keys to end global terrorism.
Unfortunately, American and European print and electronic media have launched poisonous propaganda against Islam and the Muslim World. The Muslims are being branded exstremists, fundamentalists, fanatics and dangerous for world peace. The so-called war against terrorism in Afghanistan, Iraq, Occupied Kashmir, Palestine and Chechenya is being called war against Islamic extremism. why is the Muslim world main target?
Have the Muslims clean hands in this regard?
These questions call for knowing the true significance of jihad and the real responsibility of the so-called jihadis.
No doubt, jihad is necessary for the supermacy of truth , justice, goodness and fair-play over the forces of falsehood injustice, evil and cruelty. Agreed that conditions in this derailed and chaotic world are ripe for jihad, but it is totally unwise to launch jihad unless the jihadis set their own house in order, Jihad unless the jihad set thier own house in order. jihad is justified when there is proper preparation on religious, moral, social economic, cultural, educational human and military fronts to defeat the evil and evil-doers. With illiteracy, ignorance, corruption, disunity, sectarianism, exploitation and other social and moral evils in their own ranks, how can they reform the world?
Alqaida and such other groups have paid no attention to this fact and have earned nothing but bad name of islam and the muslim world-over. they should have launched social jihad first and, if necessary, miliitary jihad later.
Islamic countries should act in union to establish the ttruth image and to spread message of islam. Thay should take proper measures to counter the anti-islam propaganda. They should bring home to the world that being a religion of peace, justice, equality and human welfare, Islam condemns any form of terrorism. Islam aims at the welfare of the whole humanity and only it can bring about peace, progress and prosperity in this troubled world. They should assure the world community that they do not sponsor any sort of terrorism. However, they should not let America and other anti-islam forces to tarnish the image of islam to gain their vested political , economic and hegemonic interests. They can do it if they act upon the teachings of islam, bring unity in their ranks, promote education and science and adopt moderation and broad mindedness
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