Saturday, January 21, 2017


''Sultan Ahmad Masjid''  also known as Blue Masjid is one of the masterpiece of muslims Art and architecture in the world. The masjid is situated in Istanbul, Turkey. It was constructed during rule of Sultan Ahmad I. Sadefhar Mehmat Agha, the royal architect designed the masjid so skillfully that even today this masjid is considered unmatched in its size, majesty and splendor. There is also a heavy iron chain that hangs in the upper part of the court-entrance on the western side of the masjid. The Sultan had to lower his head to avoid hitting the chain and also as the symbolic gesture, to ensure the humility of the ruler in the face of the divine. The interior of the masjid at the lower level is decorated with ceramic tiles in form of tulips whereas at gallery level these designs represent flowers and fruits. The upper part is adorned with blue paint. Dome is made of carved marble. The Masjid is so designed that even when it is mast crowded, everyone in the masjid can hear and see the Imam. Four minarets on corners represent the height of glory of the Muslim architecture. The masjid has become a public place for the tourists. The Masjid still remains to be one of the most frequented monuments of the world.

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