Thursday, February 23, 2017

However, since film requires capitat, such tactics have proved mostty ineffective. Capital sitences all rebellions. in the history on Matayabm cinema, onty one fi Lin has defied capital. It wa.s John A braham s 'Amma Ariya,an'. a film created with moneycoltected from peopte, under the aegis of a movement called 'Odesai This film also underwent censorship, earned a good certificate. and won the embrace of a speciat avvard. This means that. in this movie. John Abraham did not require to exhi bit truths that would amaze or ruffte the ruting establishment. Since cinema needs to pby out within the ambit of 'compromised freedom', it needs to practice certain sitences; it is these sitences that have ch iseted it into the art of forgetfulness. The sitver screen, N.ijnich turns money into a stage that can even se tt the sout to make a living, creates an arena to celebrate acentury of Great Sitence. ln this context, cinerna's future is not fillect with hope itwitldrown peopte in its visuat deluge The chattenge that a century of cinema raises before public

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