Monday, May 21, 2018


The word news stands for North, east, West and South. It means information from the four corners of the world.  Althought elictronic media and internet holds way now-a-days. Yet newspaper have their own role to play  in our daily life. Early in the morning, they bring the whole global before our eyes. They keep us abreast of the global and national happenings. They discuss all sorts of topics. In short, no aspest of life escapes their eyes.
Newspapers inform, entertain and educate the people . They mould and mend their opinion by printing reports, editorials and articles. They spread feelings of patriotism and national unity. They have articles on all subjects that add to our knowledge and broaden our outlook. To quote a writer:
The careful reader of a few good newsapapers can learn more in a year than most scholars do in great libraries."
Besides, newspapers fight for the rights of the people and ensure liberty, justice and rights for everyone. They are the watchdogs against the misuse of power and injustice. They make or mar a rular. in fact, they govern the current of ideas in a country and control the course of social and political events. Someone has rightly said:
"A newspaper is like a thermometer, it records and interprets the heat and temperature of public opinion and reaction."
Newapapers in pakistan have created political consciousness among the masses. They make them aware of mational and intermational affairs.
They try to ensure justice and human rights for them. They are crusading against the evil forces of corruption, illiteracy, oppression, exploitation, bad governance, poverty, demerit, conspiracy and secularism.

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